National Specialty Sweepstakes 2022
National Specialty Sweepstakes 2022 In 2022 I was invited as the first Dutch person to judge at the National Specialty Sweepstakes.Those were held on November the 3rd and 4th of 2022 in Missouri. It was a great honour! Click HERE to read the full article, written by...
What a start of 2020!
What a start of 2020! The year is only just 2 weeks old and we already achieved some great results in Portugal most prestigious dog show. Results awarded by a specialist judge It’s always nice the get these great results, but in this particular case the most important...
Expected litters 2018 and 2019
We hope to welcome our new litter at the end of 2018. This will be a combination of bloodlines with many national and international victories. This will be a joint venture between Old Hickory and a well-known successful kennel from abroad. Spring 2019 there will be...
2017 Review
To start with, we wish you all the best for 2018! We hope that it will be a beautiful, healthy, and a prosperous year for all of us. Before we roll into the year 2018, it is also nice to look back at what 2017 has brought to “Old- Hickory”. Regarding our...
It all starts with a thought
It all starts with a thought It all starts with a thought.... Alles begint met een gedachte..... Deze weblog is Old Hickory´s persoonlijk dagboek welke regelmatig wordt bijgehouden. Meestal zal het in deze rubriek gaan om hond gerelateerd nieuws,...